Extended Circuit Breaker Measures
Extended Circuit Breaker Measures

In line with recent government announcements regarding the operation of non-essential businesses made on 21 April 2020, we have temporarily ceased manufacturing operations from 22 April until further notice.

We will be re-opening our online store on select products from our existing stock on 29 April (for delivery within the next 3-5 days upon placing your order). The products will include:

  • Ice cream cakes
  • Select ice cream sandwiches
  • Select ice cream pints
  • Family bulk packs on exclusive ice cream flavours

Please follow our social media channels (@icecreamcookieco) on Instagram and Facebook, as well as our website for the latest details. 

If you have any further questions, please write to us at admin@icecreamcookieco.com & we will reply as soon as possible.

We thank you for your incredible support & can't wait to serve you when we pull through these challenging times together. 

Stay healthy, stay safe, and see you on the other side!
Warm regards,
Natasha Chiam
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